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Problem rtp Empty Problem rtp

Jeu Juin 16 2016, 14:51
Salut, avec moi ne fait travaille pas avec VLC . Vlc diffusera mais il reste à 12:00 ne joue pas . Pourquoi est-il ainsi?

Problem rtp Vlc1
Problem rtp Vlc2
Regard momifié
Regard momifié
Age : 51
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2010
Nombre de messages : 4459
Localisation : Genève ville (la commune)
Opérateur TV : myCANAL

Problem rtp Empty Re: Problem rtp

Ven Juin 17 2016, 22:02
This tv channel is scrambled !
Sorry this channel is no more free
(it was clear for short time for test quality and some time for promotion for short period) !

Dieser TV-Kanal ist verschlüsselt !
Leider wird dieser Kanal nicht mehr frei
(es war für kurze Zeit für Testqualität  und einige Zeit für die Förderung für kurze Zeit klar!)

#EXTINF:-1 ,TNT Comedy (scrambled/Rührei)

sorry for english/german translation by googl

Problem rtp Empty thank

Lun Juin 20 2016, 07:54
merci pour la réponse , il y a de nouvelles sources ?
Regard momifié
Regard momifié
Age : 51
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2010
Nombre de messages : 4459
Localisation : Genève ville (la commune)
Opérateur TV : myCANAL

Problem rtp Empty Re: Problem rtp

Lun Juin 20 2016, 12:30

Problem rtp Empty @redge

Lun Juin 20 2016, 12:41
Yes , the current list , I also tested with the IP 239. , there is nothing . finds link but does not remain from always at 00:00
Regard momifié
Regard momifié
Age : 51
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2010
Nombre de messages : 4459
Localisation : Genève ville (la commune)
Opérateur TV : myCANAL

Problem rtp Empty Re: Problem rtp

Lun Juin 20 2016, 21:21
basic troubleshooting rtp issue

normal time stay static at 00:00 , it mean is a live stream and not video at all !
network stream description
#EXTINF:-1 ,SRF 1 SD or #EXTINF:0 ,SRF 1 SD are equal
(-1 or 0 for live network stream, all above +1 is time in second for video/audio track)

rtp:// aka SRF 1 SD success or fail ?
your ISP connected to Swisscom network or is it Swisscom/bluewin ? (my ISP is Sunrise over ftth layer3 host Swisscom network
are you at home or outside with 3G/4G over WAN or VPN Virtual Private Network ? (low cost VPN don't support multicast, too many traffic) (tested only local home)
internet speed ?: (my home connexion is 100/100 Mbit/s symetric)
your OS: Windows 8.x/10 ? (my OS is Windows 7 home and Windows 10 home both success)
app: VLC version ? (v2.2.0 starting support hevc codec OK v2.2.2 OK, v2.2.3 NOK and removed, v2.2.4 OK
connection wireless or/and wired ?
all my tablets success with vlc with multicast:
(2x iPad2, 1x Yoga Tablet 2 Pro, 1x Nexus 10, 1x Teclast X98Pro, 1x Galaxy S4, 1x iPhoque6)
if booth used, you should disable one network or use IGMPv3 (igmpv2 is not enough in this case)
if your network interface card (nic) hardware don't support multicast, you should use udppxy

Problem rtp Empty @redge

Mar Juin 21 2016, 14:49

Thanks for your answer , I have tried at home with my 50 / 10Mbits / s circuit no success .
Even with iphone is not have since 50/10 ..
home and cell phone I swisscom ..

How can it still lie? With multicast I know my not so good
Regard momifié
Regard momifié
Age : 51
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2010
Nombre de messages : 4459
Localisation : Genève ville (la commune)
Opérateur TV : myCANAL

Problem rtp Empty Re: Problem rtp

Mar Juin 21 2016, 18:29
sorry, i don't know your network settings and preference without knowledge of your real network topology
(with or without intermediate device exist or not like proxy firewall/antivirus/etc) wrong DNS ?

Did you try with a friend/a member family if this success with their laptop or smartphone ?

double check:
maybe your are connected to your home WiFi as public network, you should be connected to your home network/private network) or bad, your are connected to network neighbour ?
your iPhone connected to cellular 3G/4G instead to your home wifi or connected as guest WiFi ?
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