Forum RegardTV
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Regard momifié
Regard momifié
Age : 51
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2010
Nombre de messages : 4447
Localisation : Genève ville (la commune)
Opérateur TV : myCANAL

tpc gears up Swiss SRG for UHD Empty tpc gears up Swiss SRG for UHD

Mer Fév 27 2019, 00:39
tpc gears up Swiss SRG for UHD with Nevion

tpc is responsible for the production and technology of television, radio and multimedia for SRF, the SRG affiliate serving the German-language part of Switzerland. Together, tpc and SRF are in the process of creating a new news, sports and technology centre, with the objective of going on-air in November 2019.
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