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Some channels stopped working Empty Some channels stopped working

Mar Fév 07 2023, 11:09
The following German cannels stopped working from swisscom-hd.m3u:
3sat: rtp://
ServusTV: rtp://

Could you please update these channels. Thank you.
Regard momifié
Regard momifié
Age : 51
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2010
Nombre de messages : 4492
Localisation : Genève ville (la commune)
Opérateur TV : myCANAL

Some channels stopped working Empty Re: Some channels stopped working

Sam Fév 11 2023, 00:39
change downgrade 3sat HD > 3sat , source hd end life from netstream and 3sat HD source from Swisscom is not open, require subscription.
change downgrade Servus TV HD > Servus TV Deutschland, source hd end life from netstream and 3sat HD source from Swisscom is not open, require subscription.
change qs24 removed, no new source, only available by web stream
blue vision video promotion , closed, end of life

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